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Eternal Light! Eternal Light! (Hymn 39)

4m 21s

Up Next in Season 3

  • I Need Thee Every Hour (Hymn 416)

    1. I need Thee ev’ry hour,
    Most gracious Lord;
    No tender voice like Thine
    Can peace afford.

    I need The, O I need Thee;
    Ev’ry hour I need Thee!
    O bless me now, my Savior,
    I come to Thee.

    2. I need Thee ev’ry hour,
    Stay Thou nearby;
    Temptations lose their pow’r
    When Thou art nigh.

    3. I n...

  • Beloved And Blessed (Hymn 153)

    1. Beloved and Blessed,
    the Father’s pure delight.
    Redeemer, Sustainer,
    You’re my passion and my prize.

    2. My Brother, my Comforter,
    My Shepherd and my Friend.
    My Ransom, my Righteousness,
    You’re the Stream that never ends.

    3. There’s kindness, compassion
    for those who will draw near;