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Jesus, Thy Boundless Love To Me (Hymn 149)

5m 14s

Up Next in Season 3

  • Jesus Shall Reign (Hymn 120)

    1. Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
    Does its successive journeys run;
    His kingdom spread from shore to shore,
    Till moons shall wax and wane no more.

    2. To Him shall endless prayer be made,
    And endless praises crown His head;
    His name like sweet perfume shall rise
    With ev’ry morning sacrifice...

  • Now Thank We All Our God (Hymn 433)

    1. Now thank we all our God
    With heart and hands and voices,
    Who wondrous things hath done,
    In whom His world rejoices;
    Who, from our mothers’ arms,
    Hath blest us on our way
    With countless gifts of love,
    And still is ours today.

    2. O may this bounteous God
    Through all our life be near us,
    With e...

  • The Perfect Wisdom Of Our God (Hymn 25)

    1. The perfect wisdom of our God, revealed in all the universe:
    All things created by His hand, and held together at His command.
    He knows the mysteries of the seas, the secrets of the stars are His;
    He guides the planets on their way, and turns the earth thru another day.

    2. The matchless wisdo...