Host, Dr. Steve Lawson highlights the lives of four spiritual giants of the Great Awakening in The God-Centered Pursuit of the Revivalists: Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, David Brainerd, and William Carey.
To access more of Dr. Lawson's ministry, go to One Passion Ministries or click
Up Next in The Revivalists
Johnathan Edwards Highlight
Host, Dr. Steve Lawson highlights the lives of four spiritual giants of the Great Awakening in The God-Centered Pursuit of the Revivalists: Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, David Brainerd, and William Carey.
To access more of Dr. Lawson's ministry, go to One Passion Ministries or click http:...
George Whitefield Highlight
Host, Dr. Steve Lawson highlights the lives of four spiritual giants of the Great Awakening in The God-Centered Pursuit of the Revivalists: Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, David Brainerd, and William Carey.
To access more of Dr. Lawson's ministry, go to One Passion Ministries or click http:...